Breaking News

Friday, 17 February 2017


Details :
Every year Rotary selects 100 candidates around the world to receive a fully funded accedemic fellowships to Masters Degree or Professional Certificate Program related to peace. The participating peace centers are ( JAPAN, USA, AUSTRALIA ,THAILAND, SWEDEN)

Professional Development Certificate Program or Masters Degree Program in fields related to peace and conflict resolution and prevention
Total Fellowships::
50 for master' degree holders and 50 for certificates holder awarded every year
Scholarship Criteria:
This fellowship will cover your tuition , room , board , round trip tickets and program study expenses.

Following Six Educational Institutes are Hosting

  1.  Duke University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  2. University of Bradford, England
  3. International Christian University, Japan
  4. University of Queensland, Australia
  5. Uppsala University, Sweden
  6. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Eligibility And Requirements Criteria:
The Rotary Peace Fellowship is designed for professionals with work experience in international relations or peace and conflict prevention and resolution.
  • Having a Strong grip in English Language
  • Having Excellent Skills of Leadership
  • For Master’s degree Level: minimum three years of related full-time work or volunteer experience, bachelor’s degree
  • Certificate Level: minimum five years of related full-time work or volunteer experience.
Deadline: 31 May 2017
Study in: USA, Japan, UK, Australia, Sweden, Thailand
Course Starts From: 2018

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